Uaine Gorm Power Associates
Technology and Project Consultancy on Green Energy from the Blue Oceans.
Renewable Energy has made huge strides in the last 40 years. Some technologies, notably PV, onshore wind and fixed offshore wind, have achieved high levels of refinement and engineering readiness. As market volume expands, costs are tumbling to the point where established fossil and nuclear alternatives are being undercut.
Other power generation sectors in the renewables’ space hold similar promise but are still at the technical refinement stage, notably the ocean based opportunities offered by tidal energy, wave energy and floating wind. Uaine Gorm’s core services support these promising and exciting emerging industries.
Affordable and sustainable renewable power generation is the core element of greening the energy sector. But as renewable technologies become the norm, two collateral challenges emerge.
Firstly, to allow the wider energy sector to be greened, how do we transform demand from heat and transport into electricity?
Secondly, how do we manage the network through smart grids and storage to maintain power balance and power quality?
Uaine Gorm offers advice in these areas, specialising in particular in MVDC and in energy storage strategies.